Calibration certificates, date, and validity

New measuring equipment may be supplied with a certificate. This is usually a factory certificate issued at the end of the production process. In some cases, however, it can be our supplier certificate issued at the time of receipt.

On the certificates you find a certification date and, in some cases, an issue date. The issue date can be filled in by the supplier, typically using the date of delivery or invoicing, or by the end customer using the date of receipt. The correctness of issue dates can be supported by matching delivery notes or invoices.

If the equipment has been stored correctly, it will be as new until placed in service. Therefore, it is common practice and technically sound to calculate the recalibration date from the issue date. This, of course, must agree with the owner’s internal quality standards.
Also, the calibration interval must agree with the owner’s internal quality standards. Intervals of 12, 24, or 36 months are common, depending on how critical the test is, the frequency of use, and the long-term stability of the equipment. Most equipment supplied by Strenometer is re-certified at 12-month intervals.

Many instruments are supplied with standards for daily check (standard foils for DFT gauges, gloss standards for glossmeters, etc.)  allowing the user to verify the accuracy on a daily basis and ensure that the equipment performs correctly in between certifications.

Please contact Strenometer if you have further questions about our certificates.

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